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IFS Cloud Technical DocumentationΒΆ

The IFS Cloud Technical Documentation is provided to customers and partners using or implementing IFS Cloud Solutions. The Technical Documentation is intended for the people involved in administrating, managing, tailoring, developing and deploying/operating IFS Cloud. For documentation regarding the use of IFS Cloud, we refer to our IFS Cloud Documentation that can be accessed directly from within the IFS Cloud user interface.

Guide Content
Architecture Overview Explains explains fundamental concepts and architectural perspectives of IFS Cloud and the IFS Cloud Platform. A good understanding of these provides context to, and makes it easier to understand, the other guides in this technical documentation.
Solution Manager User Guide Covers day-to-day administration tasks such as managing users, permissions, background jobs, and reporting that you do as a customer. Also covers settings for IFS Cloud itself as well as for platform services like mobile apps, remote assistance and data management.
Tailoring Guide Covers the ways an IFS Cloud solution can be tailored through configuration, extending on the inside (customizing) and extending on the outside in order to meet business specific requirements. Also includes advice on what tailoring options are suitable in which situations.
Reporting and Analysis Guide Covers all reporting capabilities that IFS Cloud provides and explains the differences between them. It also covers information regarding information sources and analysis models that are used as data source for the different reporting option.
Development Guide Supporting documentation for development of "extend on the inside" (customization) tailoring's for IFS Cloud, as well as the core IFS Cloud solution itself. Covers development tools, concepts, patterns and tips (e.g., performance) for all tiers of development including business logic, user interfaces, reporting and analytics.
Although there are some "getting started" and "how to" guides in here, the Development Guide isn't intended to be a complete learning resource, but rather a support to developers who already know the basics.
Remote Deployment Guide Only applicable for customers running remote deployment model, this guide explains how to install and operate IFS Cloud (for customers running the cloud deployment model installation and operations is handed by IFS as part of the service). Covers how to prepare underlying infrastructure (e.g. the database), perform fresh install, updating (installing deliveries), and upgrading from versions prior to IFS Cloud.
Supported Platform Guide This guide is to provide information regarding supported and tested 3rd Party Software and OS versions for IFS Cloud