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IFS Connect Transformer for SEPA XML

The purpose with this page is to provide a step-by-step guide how to install a XSL transformer related to the SEPA payments. SEPA or Single Euro Payment Area, is an initiative for the European financial infrastructure and IFS Financials can produce Euro payments in a core specific IFS SEPA format. Using XSL transformers, enables an easy way to transfer the core SEPA XML to a country/customer specific XML layout.

How to set up necessary routing addresses and routing rules in IFS Connect for the SEPA transformers is also covered.

IFS Connect is providing a number of transport connectors, when sending and receiving files, like e.g. FTP, Mail, Http and SMS.  This guideline will however only describe how to output the result to a XML-file on a file system using the Connector Sender FTP_SENDER1. For more information on transport connectors available in IFS Connect.

Creating the XSL transformers is preferably performed by using a third party tool.

Use this page when you know how to create, install and configure XSL transformers based on the core SEPA XML layout.

Add a XSL Transformer in IFS Connect

  1. Open Solution Manager.
  2. Navigate to Integration / IFS Connect / Setup IFS Connect / Transformers.
  3. Select New to create a new transformer.
  4. Select Instance Type as XSL Transformer.
  5. Give a name to Instance Name.
  6. Browse or drop the created transformer file.
  7. Select OK.
  8. Navigate to Integration /IFS Connect / Routing Addresses.
  9. Select New to add a new routing address.
  10. Select FTP as Transport Connector.
  11. Provide a value to Address Name.
  12. Select Next and go to FTP Address Data.
  13. In Sender Instance select FTP_SENDER1 and Directory as \OUT.
  14. Type a suitable name for Output File. One example of Output File is %MESSAGE_FUNCTION%_CORE_transformed_%GUID%.xml.
  15. Select Finish.
  16. Add the previously created Transformer to Transformers list.
  17. Navigate to Integration / IFS Connect / Routing Rules.
  18. Select the Outbound tab.
  19. Select New to add a new routing rule.
  20. Select Outbound as Direction and move to Next.
  21. Select APPLICATION_MESSAGE as Route From and ensure the Enable is selected.
  22. Enter a proper description in the Rule Name.
  23. Pick the OUT1 as queue and select Finish.
  24. Add two Content Based Conditions as MESSAGE_FUNCTION and RECIVER as follows.
    • MESSAGE_FUNCTION as Search, equals as Operation and SEND_SEPA_CREDIT_TRANSFER as Match.
    • RECEIVER as Search, equals as Operation and File Template_XML Schema Version (CORE_001.001.03) as Match. File template and XML schema version is defined in Format Specific Info per Institute for the SEPA Payment Format (Finance).
  25. Add the previously created Destination Address in the Destination Address list selecting command Set Destination Address.
  26. If you have selected several addresses you have to set which of them to be the main address by selecting comand Set as Main Address.

Routing File to Several Destinations

There can be a requirement to differentiate files by its name or send the created files to different folders based on the company and payment institute. The predefined keyword SENDER has company and payment institute ID values set in the SEPA XML creation process. These values are set in the format Company ID followed by Institute ID separated with a comma (Company ID, Institute ID à ABSE, BANK).

How to differentiate files created according to the Company and Institute ID

This can be done by appending ‘SENDER’ to the Output File in the routing address.

  1. Open Solution Manager.
  2. Navigate to Integration /IFS Connect / Routing Addresses.
  3. Select New to add a new Routing Address.
  4. Select  FTP  as Transport Connector.
  5. Provide a value to Address Name.
  6. Select Next and go to FTP Address Data.
  7. In Sender Instance select  FTP_SENDER1  and Directory as  \OUT.
  8. Type a suitable name for Output File with SENDER appended.


    File name will be like,


    ABSE is the company ID.

    BANK is the institute ID.

How to send created files different folders according to the Company and Institute ID

This can be done by having ‘SENDER’ in the content-based conditions in routing rules.

  1. Open Solution Manager.
  2. Navigate to Integration / IFS Connect / Setup IFS Connect.
  3. Navigate to Sender.
  4. Select FTP_SENDER1.
  5. Copy the value in host and navigate to the ‘ftp’ folder there (e.g.: \\ftp).
  6. Create a new folder as desired (e.g.: Company01).
  7. Navigate to  Integration /IFS Connect / Routing Addresses.
  8. Select New to add a new routing address.
  9. Select  FTP  as Transport Connector.
  10. Provide a value to Address Name.
  11. Select Next and go to FTP Address Data.
  12. In Sender Instance select  FTP_SENDER1  and Directory as \ Company01 which was created in step 6.
  13. Type a suitable name for Output File.

    SENDER can be appended to the Output File here as well if required.


    File name will be like,


    ABSE is the company ID.

    BANK is the institute ID.

  14. Select Finish.

  15. Add the previously created Transformer to Transformers list.
  16. Navigate to Integration /IFS Connect / Routing Rules.
  17. Select the  Outbound  tab.
  18. Select New to add a new routing rule.
  19. Select  Outbound  as Direction and move to Next.
  20. Select  APPLICATION_MESSAGE  as Route From and ensure the Enable is selected.
  21. Enter a proper description in the Rule Name.
  22. Pick the  OUT1  as queue and select Finish.
  23. Add Content Based Conditions as MESSAGE_FUNCTION and RECIVER as follows.

    MESSAGE_FUNCTION  as  Search,  equals(=)  as  Operation  and  SEND_SEPA_CREDIT_TRANSFER  as  Match.

    RECEIVER  as Search, equals(=)  as  Operation  and File Template_XML Schema Version (CORE_001.001.03) as  Match. File template and XML schema version is defined in Format Specific Info per Institute for the SEPA Payment Format (Finance).

    SENDER as Search and SW (Startswith) as Operation and Company ID (e.g.: ABSE) as Match.

  24. Connect the above created Destination Address in the Destination Address list selecting command  Set Destination Address.