Projection / Client Files¶
Header Comments¶
It is recommended to use the header comment which is generated from cust plsvc to projection and client.
Internal Comments¶
Use “//” to put the inline comments.
Adding New Code¶
All new customized code should be clearly tagged. Make sure that comments are placed on the same indentation level as the source it concerns. Each new code section starts and ends with a tagline. The tag consists of the following elements:
Removing Code¶
Modifying Existing Code¶
PLSVC Files¶
Comments in the PLSVC files same as the PLSQL files.
Additional comments¶
If you do an overtake or an override from an included fragment, mention the fragment and its path in an additional comment. This must be done because sometimes the tool won't be redirected to the original method when using Ctrl + LMB.