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Recruitment Integrations for External ATS Vendor SmartRecruiters

This document contains details about setting up an integration to Third Party ATS Vendor SmartRecruiters.

Setting up Authentication

In SmartRecruiters,

  • Go to Settings/Admin (Right top corner of the page).

  • Click on the Apps & Integrations option in the Administration section.

  • Then select the Credentials tab.

  • Click on the New Credential Button in the rightmost corner, and then in the next step the required authentication method can be selected to generate the credentials.

Integration Using Client Credentials

Generating Client Credentials

Select OAuth Client ID option in the above step. Then the credential name and credential description need to be entered in the next step. These are free text fields.

After that it is required to select the scope of the integration, and to access job relevant data and the candidate relevant data, below mentioned scope is needed to be selected.







Then click the Generate button to get the Credentials. Keep the generated Client Credentials copied as they are need to complete rest of the integration process.

Setting Up A Routing Address

Setting Up An Outbound Routing Rule

  • Go to Solution Manager > Integration > IFS Connect > Routing Rules.

  • Create an Outbound Routing Rule with following values (Rule Name can be a random name).

  • Add the ATS_SENDER under Content Based Conditions to establish a connection with the routing rule.

  • Under the 'Destination Addresses' section, click Set Destination Address and select the previously created routing address from the dialog. Then click on OK.