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Updating Languages

IFS Cloud application has enabled English (en) as the default language. The feature of enabling multiple languages for IFS Cloud is facilitated via Build Place. To enable new language translations, the following steps need to be followed.

Note: Only a user with a "Technician" role can enable translations in the BP.

  • Go to the build place home page and click on "Used Languages".

  • Search for the desired Language translation codes in the "Available Languages" section and select them. Using the "Add Selection" button, add the selected codes to "Used Languages" section.

  • Next, click "Save".

  • A job entry will be posted to enable translations for the Build Place.
  • Once the job has completed, an open Pull Request to merge the new translations to the Master code of Customer Solution repository will be created in the Azure DevOps project. Approve the Pull Request.

  • Once the translations are enabled, it is ready for the delivery. Users can include this component also to the planned delivery to the Use Place. To learn the process of delivery planning, please refer "Build Place Deliveries"
  • Note: The Build Place environments (SANITY, TOPIC, DELIVERY) would remain with English (En) only despite the multiple languages are enabled for IFS Cloud.