General Access to Business Reporting & Analysis Services¶
Use this page to get more information of how to get access to Business Reporting & Analysis services.
Business Reporting & Analysis (BR&A) services covers functionality as e.g.:
- General services functionality
- Information Sources
- Quick Information Source
- Access Views
- IFS Business Reporter
The general BR&A framework is part of the base platform, thus it will always be installed. It is required that the components BIBASE and BISERV are installed.
Client access in Aurena is controlled by granted projections in BISERV component.
Information Sources¶
Information Source metadata can be explored in Aurena client. Access is controlled by granted projections.
Some typical entry points are:
- Information Sources Overview
- Requires access to projection InformationSources
- To access some of the details:
- Information Source Details; requires access to projection FactHandling
- Information Source Items; requires access to projection FactItemHandling
- Dimension Overview
- Requires access to projection Dimensions
- To access some of the details:
- Dimension Details; requires access to projection DimensionHandling
- Dimension Items; requires access to projection DimensionItemHandling
Information Sources and Dimensions visible in the Aurena client is dependent on available and active components.
To be able to read from Information Source specific source views, it is necessary to have access to the BIBASE component.
Quick Information Sources¶
It is possible to create ad-hoc Information Sources by using the Quick Information Source Draft functionality available in Aurena client.
The functionality requires that component ISTOOL is installed and is active.
Important projections:
- QuickInfoSrcHandling
- QuickInfoSrcDimHandling
- QuickInfoSrcDimRefHandling
- QuickInfoSrcNavigatorHandling
Access Views¶
Access Views are Information Sources related switch views that are created upon request, in most cases to make it possible to create read sources that can be used by functionality as e.g. IFS Analysis Models, i.e. making sure that data needed by the Tabular Models can be transferred to the SQL Server strorage layer.
The Access View functionality requires the component BIAXSV to be available and active.
Access Views are created from Information Sources related pages but once created therea are specific pages that can be used to check statusm detais etc.
Important projections:
- AccessView
- AccessViews
- AccessViewInfoSourceDimensionJoins
- AccessViewInfoSourceDimJoinCols
- AccessViewInfoSourceCriteria
- AccessViewAndSourceViewDifferencesHandling
IFS Business Reporter¶
The reporting tool IFS Business Reporter requires the two components BACLI and BRBASE. The BR&A framework is a manadatory requirement.
The Aurena client offers a number of pages that are closely related to IFS Business Reporter functionality.
To use this administration/configuration functionality the end user needs to have required projections granted. Important projections:
- SetupBrClientNavigatorHandling
- BrSystemParametersHandling
- GlobalBrParametersHandling
- BrParameterFunctionsHandling
- BrParameterFunctionDetailHandling
- BrReportParametersHandling
- BrExecutionParametersHandling
- BrReportLevelExecutionParametersHandling
The following projections are important related to the IFS Business Reporter Execution Server:
- BrClientBrExecutionServerHandler
- BresAdminConsole
- BrExecutionServerReportsQueueHandling
There is also an IFS Business Reporter specific upgrade utility, that requires the following projection:
- BrClientUpgradeHandler
Misc Info¶
Use the following links to get information about specific functionality in the Business Reporting & Analysis area: