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Users Integration

The Users Integration is a System Data integration that links users in IFS Cloud with users in IFS Planning and Scheduling Optimization (PSO).

A users integration can be defined for each configuration set up in Scheduling Optimization and Machine Learning Configuration page. This allows linking a different set of users and permissions with each PSO account integrated with an IFS Cloud instance.

Each configuration entry specifies two Permission Sets in the columns Runtime User Role and Admin User Role.

There are two Predefined Permission Sets created for this purpose:

  • FNDSCH_RUNTIME - Role needed for PSO Workbench users
  • FNDSCH_ADMIN -  Role needed for PSO Workbench Administrator users

It is possible to create custom permission sets if required.

If the Synchronize Users and Roles option is enabled for the configuration, a Users dataset for the configuration will be automatically created and named 'USERS_' + Configuration ID, e.g. 'USERS_MYCONFIGURATION'. The Users dataset is visible in the Scheduling Optimization Datasets page.

The Users dataset must be enabled to synchronize the users and permissions to PSO. This will enable the Database Task associated with the dataset which is scheduled to run regularly (every 10 minutes by default).

Any user in IFS Cloud that is granted access to the linked Runtime User Role (either directly or a grantee of this permission set) will be created as a Workbench User in PSO. This will allow the user to log in to the PSO Workbench with the default permissions a user has in IFS PSO.

Any user in IFS Cloud that is granted access to the linked Admin User Role (either directly or a grantee of this permission set) will be created as a Workbench Administrator User in PSO. This will grant the user the following extra permissions in PSO:

  • AdministrationWorkspace
  • Administrator
  • DataCaptureView
  • History
  • ModifyViewableTasks
  • ScheduleAnalysisView
  • ViewAllDatasets

The mappings between IFS Cloud security configuration and IFS PSO configuration are the following:

  • Each User in IFS Cloud maps to a User in IFS PSO.
  • Each Permission Set in IFS Cloud maps to a Group in IFS PSO.
  • If a user is granted a permission set, the User Group in PSO is used to link the Group (Permission Set in IFS Cloud) to the User (User in IFS Cloud).

For detailed configuration of permissions, e.g. workspace, view, columns view or edit permissions, the administrator has to configure this via the 'Permissions' view in the Administration Workspace of the PSO Workbench.