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SCIM - System for Cross-Domain Identity Management

SCIM is a specification created to make the management of users between different services and applications easier. A common schema is used for User information which allows services to pass their user data without having to think about how the information is stored in your own service. By provisioning users with SCIM you can simply set the up the mapping of your Users attributes to SCIM-attributes, which then will be mapped to attributes in the IFS User database, and also create new Users if they do not already exist.

SCIM Standard

For updated and detailed information about the SCIM standard please visit this page.

Attribute Mapping

This mapping table is to be used by Administrators when configuring a new Provisioning Service. The SCIM Attribute maps to certain fields of the IFS Cloud database. When first creating a new User through provisioning, a unique Identity will be created. This Id is used as a unique identified for the new User, and will be generated based on the values of the SCIM attributes name.givenName and name.familyName.

SCIM Attribute IFS DB Attribute
userName fnd_user.web_user
name.familyName person_info.last_name
name.givenName person_info.first_name
name.middleName person_info.middle_name
nickName person_info.alias
displayName fnd_user.description
title person_info.title
preferredLanguage fnd_user_property.preferred_language
addresses[type eq "work"].formatted person_info_address.address
addresses[type eq "work"].streetAddress person_info_address.address1
addresses[type eq "work"].locality
addresses[type eq "work"].region person_info_address.state
addresses[type eq "work"].postalCode person_info_address.zip_code
addresses[type eq "work"].country
emails[type eq "work"].value comm_method.value, fnd_user_property.value
emails.type comm_method.method_id_db,
phoneNumbers[type eq "work"].value comm_method.value
phoneNumbers.type comm_method.method_id_db