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Download and Install Translations Manually

  1. Go to

  2. Select the IFS Cloud version you want to download translations for.

  3. Expand the language you want to download and select what is required. a. If you want to download all translation for a language, select the language node.


b. If you want to download translation for a selected set of components select only them.

  1. Press Download to download the files.

  2. Extract the ZIP and the Zip files inside of it.

  3. Login to IFS Cloud.

  4. Go to Used Languages page and Set Open for Translation to Yes for the Language you want to import translation for.

  5. Go to the Import Language Files page.

  6. Select Import Translation Files and Refresh Language Cache options. For large number of files the Run as Background Job option should be used.

  7. Only Select the Language you are importing translations for and unselect the rest.

  8. Press Next.

  9. Drag and Drop or Select the Translation files you want to import. Do not try to specify more than 50 files as the process might get stuck or timeout.

  10. Press Import and wait for the process to complete. If it's a Background Job, wait till it finishes the execution. Depending on the number of files the time may vary.

  11. Now you should be able to see the new language.